So you bought a Zim on EBay 2016 and you want to Print

Good morning,
I purchased a Zim after reading this forum and found a work around to print. I ordered a pi, installed the OctoPrint image, configured the CURA configuration trying to follow the strings on this board and waited till the Zim get here.

Once the Zim arrived, I was one of the lucky ones that the USB insert was not glued well and it came out easily enough. I had the parts to create a power USB Power harness from the original A10 board connector to the pi so that I would not have to alter any of the connections. (old car audio wiring harness habits)

Fired everything up and spent 2 full weeks, 4 to 6 hours a day after work and at least 10 hours a day on the weekends waisting a lot of filament with not a single good print. I re-read and reviewed my pi, cura setting over and over again, I moved to Simplify 3D, and still could not get a good print.

I was reading about fully replacing the mother board or thinking about tossing it in the trash can…

Just before I went to bed last night I read a post about connecting to the factory controller http://zim.local and though WTF I’ll try this and see what happens…

Needless to say the printer is working flawlessly… I know this is not the long term solution but its working now, the slice times are a bit long at times but it is working.

So I ask, what is the definitive solution, can we come together and create a single page that can give a new user one or two options that always work? The forum is full of great information and amazing persons contributing information and actual real man hours in development. We are lacking a real how to guide.

I will help create and document the information.

The actual hardware in the printer is good quality, its quite compared to my other printers and looks 10X better. I am sure there will be an influx of new owners with the price on ebay being at or under $200,

A bit about my self, I am not a developer or real hardware hacker in any way but I have many years experience making things do what they suppose to do or not suppose to do. I have worked in the IT industry since 1988 in some way or another.

Just saying I am no one but no one with a bit of experience. :slight_smile:

Just try this solution see the link ZEEPRO Hardware MOD for 24/7 printing SOLUTION , please use simplify 3d software you can search and download in some torrent sites if you don’t want to spend money. make sure you put raft on your print so it will not bend as you print. This mod is a solution if extruder stop or extruding inconsistently in the middle of the print. Look on the forum for simplify 3d profile and the ideal temperature FOR ZEEPRO is 195 for PLA and 230 for ABS please also see this videos :smile: hardware mod

The information is all here IMO and for the most part covered in detail in the octopi-tutorial-for-zim topic. If you haven’t installed JPODS custom firmware you should consider doing so. Doing this really helped my prints turn out better using octoprint and simplify 3d.