OctoPrint with OEM Hardware Tutorial (FlashNGo)

Yea. It seems that I still didn’t get the auto update working properly. Its a pain, as last time there was a bug stopping auto update, and the fix was to update it. But then there were no new updates to test with… I’ll take a look, as I’m using the printer again. But. It should still work fine without the update.

This is somewhat off topic, but what was your process for compiling Marlin? I need to update Configuration.h, and running “Export Compiled Binary” in the Arduino IDE produces two hex files, Marlin.ino.mega.hex and Marlin.ino.with_bootloader.mega.hex. I’m not sure which of these I should flash.

I would really prefer to use make, but I’m fairly certain the Makefile just does the same things as the IDE.

I couldn’t update Octoprint either. I took a brute force approach. I created a new user ‘zim’ and made the home directory on ‘/sdcard/’, the ‘/home/’ partition doesn’t have enough room to install Octoprint the same way I did on my RPi’s. If you take this approach, you will also have to change ‘/etc/passwd’ (unless you use deluser and adduser) and point user ‘zim’ to the new directory, and change ‘/etc/init.d/octoprint’ to again point to the new installation directory. While there hasn’t been an update since I did this, I’m able to add and remove plugins using the Octoprint interface, something I was unable to do before. Also, Octoprint will need to know the installation directory. There may be other changes to other files, I just don’t remember. It took a few days to accomplish, but I’m running Octoprint 1.3.2 with the plugins I like.

If you change the board to rw mode (ssh in as root and run ‘rw’) then you can install plugins with normal. But you can’t update. Their update system is weird…

I turn on debug build logging and just hit verify

You see in logging that it says built /path/marlin.into.hex

Not sure of your two which you want off top of my head

I long ago removed the need to use your ‘rw’ alias by editing fstab. I didn’t see a benefit to having parts of the sd card read only.

Yea. It seemed a bit safer. But you’re right.

Also the zim wastes half its storage on making a dupe image. We could also nuke that too for an extra 2gb

Yea, there are a number of areas that can be cleaned up.

What other ones besides 2 mentioned? I’m preparing a new release after I get the auto update Octo workin

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First, I appreciate all your effort to make the Zim a functional machine after the demise of Zeepro, using the original hardware.
To answer your question, like everything else, it depends. The question that needs to be asked is, is your goal to have a general purpose computer supporting Octoprint, or a dedicated Octoprint server? That will dictate what is expendable, and since you’re doing this for the community, it’s your call. Is anything with ‘zeepro’ in the name needed (check out all the zeepro services in /etc/init.d and the zeepro directories)?. Not sure what your goal is, or how much time you can commit. Getting rid of duplicate files would be nice. I don’t keep gcode files on the sd card after printing, but others might.

I personally am OK with having a PC for slicing. Slicing on octoprint as a standalone seems silly as there are huge factors and much external software needed anyway for parts design.

Mostly just be a nice appliance one can send things to is enough for me.

I have audited all and disabled as many zeepro services as possible. For most things, automating them (eg firmware updates) are trivial to do by hand, and lots of work to make more user friendly.

As most folks aren’t capable or interested in updating firmware, this holds little interest.

I’m mostly interested in features or pain points other folks would like to make usage better

Dupe files don’t exist on SD. Just the cubie itself. I was mostly leaving it til there was a need for more space. If nobody needs 2gb more on device (they can still just use SD) its not worth my time to add features with no benefit


I agree, considering the cost (your time) vs. benefit, there is little need to add features(?). Since you won’t have to maintain Octoprint, just getting the Octoprint update to work should be enough.

I use an 8 core pc to do slicing, so having a slicer on the zim is of no use to me either.

There a several duplicate files in /etc and /etc/zeepro. Between the sd card and the nand there are 3 instances of the network interfaces file, hostname.sh etc. for example. They do no harm, but make software maintenance confusing at best.

I already had the octoprint update running on the cubie, but I really can’t remember the steps (it was like lots of trials and lots of errors). But I do remember that there was a file with a table of the mounted filesystems, which I had to modify also (to set the root filesystem to rw by default), and at least two files with settings of user permissions.
I was able to use the plugin manager and the octoprint update, but still switched to the pi because of the slow start of octoprint and the constant blobbing during a print. Are these two issues solved by now?

Hi, I just found your project waffles.
And huge thank you for your effort.
Just upgrade and make it possible to use A10 borad, sounds like wow to me.
Since I am too coward to take off sealed in USB, and tech dumber, I really appreciate your effort.

I just want you to know, there is someone who loves your solution.
I try install and hope this works.

Thank you waffles!

Works great. Thank you for rescuing my investment! I was blown away when I saw that the camera feed “just worked”.

Can you update Octoprint from within Octoprint, or do you need to run a script?

hey I’m attempting this right now, but after I prep the sd card, insert it, turn it on, takes about 2 minutes with green light on, then it starts flashing green (two fast blinks at a time) but just keeps blinking forever. doesn’t stop. any suggestions? thanks

Hello Waffles

Are you working on any updates as we didnot hear from you in 5 months

Thank you again & appreciate your efforts

Finally got to setting up my zim that has been sitting in a box for about a year. Followed the instructions and printing. Thanks waffles. Now since this seems abandoned, I just need to figure out a way to update octoprint. . .

Congrats, it’s a solid little printer.

If you get Octoprint updated, let us know!

Perhaps this will work for you?