[solved] Larger prints have oozing/blobs, whats wrong?

So, I’ve run through smaller calibration test cubes, and they run great. However, on larger prints, I get these blobs.

Terrible little things. I’ve tried setting coast/wipe nozzle settings in simplify3d to no avail.
The fill amount seems great for smaller items, and I’m at wits end for what could be wrong. I’ve tried adjusting the temp down. I’ve tried other’s simplify settings. What is causing these?

I am still using the default cart that came with it. I have the pieces to change to direct spool feed, but wanted to use up the free PLA that came with it. It seems to happen only over larger sections of solid printing.

Any help would be appreciated!

I have looked over various ‘fixing print’ guides, and havn’t seen this one.

I’ll try upping some retraction settings, but it’s weird it only happens on larger prints. Let me know if there’s other information I can provide.

I would try the following at first:

  • check speed and print at 50mm/s and (let’s say) 60% on the outer perimeter: maybe your print speed is a bit high
  • reduce flow my entering 0.90 instead of 1.00 on the multiplier to test: maybe the pressure is rising in your hotend/nozzle which releases from time to time causing this issure
  • reduce infill to e.g. 25% instead of nearly full

…strange that you get a nice tiny cube but ugly large prints :astonished:

I had those blobs a few times as well in the beginning.
It was due to:

  • a leak from the heat block (manually heat up your extruder and tighten the bottom screw on the extruder and the nozzle)
  • way too much heat (try lowering the temperature)

Remove the head cover and also look around where the plastic is collecting and remove all of it.

@3DPrintEvangelist - you nailed it. There was tons of plastic leaking up in the hotend. There was even some black plastic from the factory test print leaking up in there. I’ve taken it all down, cleaned it, and put it back together.

Here’s hoping that fixes whatever was leaking. I have lowered my temp since i first started, but wondering if once the leaking gobs were up there, the dripping down just continued. We’ll see. Going to do a larger print and check for leaks after.

Thanks so much!

The reason it didnt happen with smaller prints, is presumably becuase the hot mess blob didn’t have time to get drippy in the 10 minutes the cubes were running.


Nice. Glad I could help.

It took me quite a while to figure it out as well. I never imagined something so small like a not completely tightened screw could have such a large effect.
If you could clean it completely no worries. But I was not able to remove everything and some tiny burned-in leftover somewhere left the occasional other blob on my longer prints, that eventually stopped.
Correct, it takes a while to get the filament to that oily mass that it finally oozes around leaving those blobs.