Print platform FELL OFF during print?

Not a clue to what in the heck happened. I just know that the print platform became dislodged while I was trying to print the teddy bear zeepro has pre-loaded. Has anyone else had an issue where something like this happened?

Seriously, so far I haven’t been able to get a decent print off this machine. There’s even a point on the teddybear where it’s obvious that the printer gave up and just started printing in a completely new location. >.<;;;

I’ve had that issue too. It appears that for some reason the nozzle keeps pushing on the model as it’s building it. This get more and more noticable the higher your print becomes and eventually it has enough leverate to disloge the magnets. not sure what is causing it though, Z-Axis slippage perhaps?

Same Here. Happened yesterday for the first time. My bet is that the bed is not levelled. And by leveled i mean not a leveling configuration problem but the fact that the plate is defective. And not 100% lined. I saw some user complaining on these…So that might be the cause of it. I think you notice this while printing something a bit wide…If your printing “base” is 5 or 7 cm this defect should be unnoticeable.
Ill wait for it to happen again and them ill submit a ticket to zeepro. What troubles be is that by chance the bed landed on the table…If it would have landed on the floor i wouldnt have a printing bed now…

My printer sits on the floor under a short table… the platform didn’t have far to go. Though, if it had been ON the table it really would have been problematic since my floors are all tile. No way the print-tray would have survived.

I’m going to give the print another shot, and run some painters tape across the bottom to forcefully hold this puppy in place.

This time I’m going to give printing this a shot: Thingiverse Tardis

It seems simple enough, right? Plus, it’s loads better than the teddybear I was trying to print. <3

I actually decided to superglue the magnets on to the platform to make sure they stayed on, havent had a problem since. I also made an outline of there location just incase they did fall off.

If you have some time and motivation you could also do your own (heated) bed:

I just put on a 4mm Bososilicate glass (cheaper glass should also work well but it might crack) and simply swap the glass plates when a print is finished and can start to print the next model.

I also experienced that the standard bed is not 100% flat but it’s only about 0,1mm right between the rear magnets.

The magents on my own heated bed I secured with “Uhu Plus Endfest 300”