OctoPrint with OEM Hardware Tutorial (FlashNGo)

Yup. Not too hard. What issues you havin?

I cannot see the other printer through the browser
I see the one that is currently printing even in 2 different browsers

Iam trying to use 2 printers at the same time which is not possible for me at this time as i can access only one printer at a time on the wifi unless i turnoff the first printer & try using another one , any one have any suggestions on how to do it so i can use multiple printers at the same time

Sure thing @setiorion
SSH to the box as root
./usr/sbin/zeepro-set-hostname newName
now your zim is running http://newName.local:5000
in octoprint, you prob need to change the video URL for this as well so the video connects to right host.

(cant remember if you need to run ā€˜rwā€™ before running set host nameā€¦ canā€™t hurt)

Great mate @ waffles

It worked but i tried changing the URL for the camera in octoprint which is not working at all . i have removed the url & left blank & saved & rebooted number of times but no change ā€“ some how i see the video of the other machine all the time no matter what i do in the octoprint video URL

  1. I have changed the default http://zim.local:5000 to http://newName.local:5000 ( new Name being xyz or some name ) & i can log in to the machine & check everything but the video cam feed is missing until i start the other machine & now i see the other machines video feed
    2.I changes the URL in the OCtoprint which has no effect on the result even if i left the URL screen blank i still get the video feed of the other machine
    3.I changes the http://newName.local:5000 to http://zim.local:5000 & now i get the video of the machine though i tested by switching off the other machine

I think the video feed URL is probabbly hardcoded when u wrote the code & needs to be changed through SSH to the BOX ( just a guess as i have no experience in programming )


sounds like bug in octoprint itselfā€¦ it should be saveable/updatable. I didnā€™t do any out of band hardcoding

I originally set it using the UI. Super weirdā€¦ yea, i guess try updating it in the config.yaml file manually?

cool man
but how do i update the config.yaml file ( apologies for my ignorance as i have no experience in programming )

@waffles Reboot your printer a couple of times. OctoPrint is caching the old video URL (it doesnā€™t regenerate the pages each time you reload). Once you reboot a few times, OctoPrint should regenerate the pages, and the video should work (assuming you set it to the correct URL).

Hi! I finally got it to workā€¦ at least partiallyā€¦ Octoprint sais the zim - zim User-Password combination is wrong? Did you change this in your last build? ā€” maybe i should flas the SDcard once againā€¦

Restart & wait until it reconnects to the wifi then star octoprint & use the default Uidā€“zim

Octoprint will do that sometimes in the beginning ,so wait for few mins & the password should work unless u changed it

Yep everything works now
prints are great ā€¦hope we can overcome the wifi disconnection issue as the printer seems to go offline sometimes

Though I have not found the time to try this yet, my guess would be that it has to do with some combination of power saving and other settings. When we switched to Raspi and Octoprint I had posted a solution for that. Please have a look and try it.

Thanks. Ill try that. I thought i checked it already and it was fine. But cant hurt to double check.

Youll know octoprint has started up enough if the title bar is blue. Octoprint as mentioned is slow to start, so refresh if bot seeing blue title bar. After that password should work. If you never see title blue, youll need to check logs and see what its failing on.

I have been trying to turn the power save off on the wifi. I ssh and us the commands:

cat /sys/module/8188eu/parameters/rtw_power_mgnt ā€œThis returns a 1 showing its onā€

sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/8188eu.conf

I attempt to add the line ā€œoptions 8188eu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0ā€

The issue I am having is that it says I only have read access to the system If anyonr could help I think this will help the wifi hang issue

@Supah_Roach - type ā€˜rwā€™ in terminal, and that will make it read write.
then give it a try and see if it helps

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the efforts waffles and various contributors to made to make Octopi with the OEM hardware possible. I purchased two ZeeProā€™s from ebay with plans to go the Raspberry Pi and Octoprint route. Getting to the USB on one printer was so easy it was trivial, the other one I managed to mangle, and was not able to desolder it (one damn pin from the B connector is frozen in the though hole, I can see it under a magnifying glass, but gave up after a few hours trying to get it free). Without Waffes flash solution it would have been a 150 dollar paperweightā€¦thanks man !

Just for clarification, the instructions to upgrade the Marlin firmware say ā€œMake sure octoprint is disconnected!ā€. I presumed this meant to disconnect the printer from octoprint, or should I have shut down octoprint from the terminal ? I did get a successful update to when I ran the M1400 command (I hope).

Thanks Again !

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just disconnect the printer from within octoprint, it can stay running. if not, octoprint keeps an open connection and things can go weird.

I really donā€™t get itā€¦ I have the blue title bar, but octoprint constantly sais wrong passwordā€¦ It worked back when you came up with your first software, but I even canā€™t get this to work anymoreā€¦
As a try, I deleted the users.yaml file and set two settings in the config.yaml (from the octoprint faq). No changeā€¦ Iā€™m really feeling desperateā€¦
Think I might make one of the simplest mistakes over and overā€¦ Btw: after flashing the NANDā€¦ You switch back to the standard Zim data card, donā€™t you? If I try to read this card with my pic (has drivers for ext file systems installed) it sais that the data-card was not formatted??

@J_Schmidt - thatā€™s super weird. Yea, I havnā€™t seen anything close to that.
What you can try is just delete the config.yaml and the users.yaml. and when you start up octoprint, it should prompt you to create a user, or just operate without setting up a user. Maybe you can try that?

After you delete users.yaml, and change config.yaml, make sure to reboot your zim, octoprint caches config.

After flashing the nand, yes, you switch back to standard zim card. If it says the data card is not formatted and you can read ext file systems, iā€™d say maybe your card is bad, and you should reflash it with the zim-empty image.

maybe you can post your octoprint.log file? It might say something that would lead us in right direction.

Maybe zeepro forgot to format yours. :confused:

EDIT: if you join the discord chat, it might be easier to help you out in realtime, so you can post answers to questions and stuff. should be able to get you going pretty quick