Killed the Zim !?

Well, you could try enabling Settings->Serial Connection->log communications to serial.log. It has a warning about performance, but didn’t seem to affect a couple of test prints I did. If you ssh into the pi and “tail -f ~/.octoprint/logs/serial.log” you should see all the serial being logged at debug log level in serial.log.

This will generate a very large set of serial log files quickly though, so I’m not sure it is going to work for you over several hours of printing required to reproduce this failure. To get around this, you could try mounting an external network NAS drive, and then sending all of the octoprint logs there I suppose. This should work…

How to send octoprint logs to a network attached storage

  1. Check cifs-utils is installed: sudo apt-get install cifs-utils (I think it already is on octopi image)

  2. Make a directory on the octopi to mount to a NAS shared folder: mkdir -p /home/pi/NAS/share

  3. Add share to fstab: sudo nano /etc/fstab and add a line for your NAS, something like (where “OctoPrint is a shared folder on the NAS drive”:
    //NAS/OctoPrint /home/pi/NAS/share cifs username=your_username,password=your_password,workgroup=your_workgroup,users,auto,user_xattr 0 0

  4. Go to the directory: cd ~/NAS/share

  5. Doesn’t hurt to test it by
    a. Mounting the NAS drive: sudo mount -a
    b. Create a file: touch test
    c. Make sure you can see the “test” file on the NAS directory.

  6. Change octoprint to log there under settings->folders->Logs folder to /home/pi/NAS/share

  7. Restart octoprint with System->Restart OctoPrint

You should now see the serial.log (and other logs) on the NAS shared folder instead of the local pi file system. This hopefully could provide some info as to what happens just prior to the failure. Good luck!

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After some weeks without 3d printing, today I printed some things again.
Now I am running the logs always to maybe get some insight in this behaviour.
I have updated to latest firmware 1.19, wich solved the short pauses during prints.

And during one print the Zim was killed again. Heres the part from the log:

RECEIVED: ok T:210.0 /208.0 B:50.2 /50.0 T0:210.0 /208.0 T1:62.7 /0.0 @:42 B@:0
SENT: G1 X118.375 Y33.605 E81.9373
SENT: G1 X31.988 Y119.992 E85.2012
RECEIVED: þstart
RECEIVED: echo:Marlin
RECEIVED: echo: Last Updated: Sep 12 2015 10:10:36 | Author: (JPod, Zim_Board_v6)
Last Updated: Sep 12 2015 10:10:36 | Author: (JPod, Zim_Board_v6)
RECEIVED: Compiled: Sep 12 2015
RECEIVED: echo: Free Memory: 3214 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
Free Memory: 3214 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
RECEIVED: echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded
Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded
WARNING: Firmware unresponsive. Attempting to force continue…
SENT: M105
RECEIVED: ok T:208.9 /0.0 B:49.9 /0.0 T0:208.9 /0.0 T1:62.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
SENT: G1 X31.988 Y118.012 E85.2541
SENT: G1 X118.400 Y31.600 E88.5189
RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: Y:83.78
endstops hit: Y:83.78
RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: X:45.20
endstops hit: X:45.20
SENT: M112
RECEIVED: Unknown command: “M112”
SENT: M105
RECEIVED: ok T:206.1 /0.0 B:49.6 /0.0 T0:206.1 /0.0 T1:62.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
SENT: G1 X118.425 Y29.595 E88.5725
SENT: G1 X31.988 Y116.032 E91.8383
RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: X:45.21
endstops hit: X:45.21

I was lucky to be around. The printer tried to resume but that resulted in a total messed up head movement and speeds.
It sounded horrible and kept trying to move into right X and Y axxis endstop.
Lucky Simplify3D has the kill switch.