Jailbreaking ZIM after Zeepro stopped it´s services?

Hi, and welcome to the forum!

In fact, there are two major ways to get your ZIM running:

  1. @Nightmare and @Jaesin have found a way to manipulate the software of your ZIM to make it work,

  2. others like @BDub and @jpod (and me) took their Machine apart and use a Raspberry Pi to print.

Both ways work fine, and although I´m one the RasPi-users, I would recommend you to try the leave-your-hardware-original way. You can still switch to a RasPi if you don´t like the standard software.

So, maybe @Nightmare or @Jaesin could make some step-by-step manual how to install the jailbroken software (best with links where to get it) and convert a factrory ZIM to a printing one.

Rooting a zim without loading a custom firmware:

Firmware upgrading instructions:


Rooted firmware:

Thread: Back up firmware
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5wtsdodzb8fx0th/AAC6toltJeEUgWt2ruCGM75la?dl=0

Look for Sure OK - zim_rooted-v1.8.4-20150617.img.zip

@Jaesin thanks

there are also sme old solutions written previously it was an easy way to jailbreak the ZIM.

Ok Guys, I have got the same problem and after serching I found a way to “jailbreak” the ZIM

As the Zeepro servers seems to be down you cannot register the ZIM and cannot access the Zim interface. (locked on the register page)I started searching and found that you need to remove a file on the SDCARD. You need to get a software to be able to read the ext2 file format (Linux file format) get into the folder conf located on the root of the sdcard and remove the NeedActive.tmp file Plug back the sdcard in the machine and power on.

That’s all falks ^^

The SECOND solution is that somebody gave Zeepro root password. so you can connect SSH to the Zim using this root password and go to the folder /sdcard and delete the NeedActive.tmp file
I forgot the rootpassword but it is given somewhere in this site.

thanks guys for the help and all the info, will give it a try, i got the plug out of the usb (looks ugly) and works, but will try to root also, would love to get that working

Alright, for the record, the root p/w is Longgang2014
I’ve installed octoprint on the existing cubie board (thanks to @Jaesin and @jpod and others)
I’ve updated the firmware.

So far, with this method, you don’t need to remove the USB plug off the back. The cubie can flash the firmware if you copy over the hex into the /firmware directory. Build it in arduino, copy it over, reboot for good measure.

But. when I load octoprint, and try to connect with the default serial settings, it cannot connect.

What ‘additional serial port’ do I need to set up so it connects when running on the cubie?

An update - still stuck on getting octoprint working on the cubie. Got the camera working in the meantime.
I’m using the 1.8.2 build that came with it, everything bone stock except the instructions from Jaesin.
I added the zim user that runs octoprint to the tty group.
I even tried /dev/* to see if any would connect just for fun, no dice.

I’ve modified Jaesin’s sh files a bit, and have been documenting this excursion, and will submit back so future owners can get started quickly. (I did try running the scripts as-presented, maybe I missed some step? but i don’t believe so)

Is the default zim app conflicting/taking the serial port?
I see that if I use lsof, I can see that there is
arcontrol 1980 root 5u CHR 4,65 0t0 1125 /dev/ttyS1

if i kill that process, the existing zim firmware no longer can issue commands, so i think ttyS1 is the serial port I want. However, after killing the process, octoprint still cannot connect.
I get
Error while connecting to /dev/ttyS1: ‘Timeout’
if i restart that process, zim works again to control movement, so what gives?

I heard @Nightmare is also running on cubie? Any advice?

Serial Port: /dev/ttyS1
Baudrate: 250000

From what I remember, the stock zim firmware uses a command line command to communicate to the ramps board for most operations. it opens the port sends a command, gets the response and then closes the port. It probably only maintains the connection when printing.

I don’t remember if I had to disable any services but here is a list of my current services:

# service --status-all
 [ ? ]  arcontrol
 [ + ]  avahi-daemon
 [ - ]  bootlogs
 [ ? ]  bootmisc.sh
 [ ? ]  checkfs.sh
 [ ? ]  checkroot-bootclean.sh
 [ - ]  checkroot.sh
 [ ? ]  console-screen.sh
 [ - ]  console-setup
 [ + ]  cron
 [ + ]  dbus
 [ + ]  dnsmasq
 [ - ]  exim4
 [ ? ]  ffmpeg
 [ ? ]  fw-upgrade
 [ - ]  hostname.sh
 [ - ]  hostname.sh.distrib
 [ ? ]  hwclock.sh
 [ + ]  ifplugd
 [ - ]  isc-dhcp-server
 [ - ]  keyboard-setup
 [ ? ]  killprocs
 [ ? ]  kmod
 [ ? ]  leds-upgrade
 [ + ]  lighttpd
 [ + ]  mjpg-streamer
 [ - ]  motd
 [ ? ]  mountall-bootclean.sh
 [ ? ]  mountall.sh
 [ ? ]  mountdevsubfs.sh
 [ ? ]  mountkernfs.sh
 [ ? ]  mountnfs-bootclean.sh
 [ ? ]  mountnfs.sh
 [ ? ]  mtab.sh
 [ ? ]  netbios
 [ ? ]  networking
 [ ? ]  octoprint
 [ - ]  procps
 [ ? ]  rc.local
 [ ? ]  remote_agent
 [ ? ]  remote_slice
 [ + ]  remote_ssh
 [ - ]  rmnologin
 [ ? ]  screen-cleanup
 [ ? ]  sendsigs
 [ + ]  ssh
 [ - ]  sudo
 [ + ]  udev
 [ ? ]  udev-mtab
 [ ? ]  umountfs
 [ ? ]  umountnfs.sh
 [ ? ]  umountroot
 [ ? ]  upgrade
 [ - ]  urandom
 [ - ]  x11-common
 [ - ]  zeepro-bootstrap
 [ ? ]  zeepro-button
 [ ? ]  zeepro-confd
 [ - ]  zeepro-cpufreq
 [ ? ]  zeepro-fixmac
 [ ? ]  zeepro-hostname
 [ ? ]  zeepro-network
 [ ? ]  zeepro-slic3r
 [ ? ]  zeepro-statsd

Thanks @Jaesin
That was helpful to confirm my suspicions about the port.

I can confirm that it’s likely a problem with my octoprint setup/build.
I can manually send commands to /dev/ttyS1 from the user running octoprint, and the printer accepts them
zim@zim:/root$ echo -e “M1202” > /dev/ttyS1
turns on the light

However, octoprint still just times out. Will dig deeper on that side.

UPDATE: well, i changed away from auto, to force it to /dev/ttyS1, and while it fails on first connect, it connects on subsequent tries. Weird, but I’ll take it. Thanks all!
to anyone else who has a new zim, or hasn’t converted to OctoPi, using the cubie board was fairly painless. I’ll upload my notes/instructions in another thread, but for the most part, just follow the zim-oprint and zim-bootstrap instructions, they were super helpful.

It was nice to not have to remove/replace the glued in USB port, nor open up the zim at all to get it running octoprint. I’ll eventually yank out the cartridges, and install spool, but seems to be alright for the moment.

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I use this one: https://github.com/Jaesin/OctoPrint/releases

Besides this package you only need python 2.7 installed.`