Issue : line extrusion before print


I have noticed a lot of my prints fail because of first line extrusion.
When nozzles reach high temperature, nozzle start to extrude before the line. And right after the line, they are still extruding.
So when nozzles move to print my object, somes filaments are glued on nozzles…
This “extra” filament come on my object, most of time it failed my raft or first layer of my object.

Does anyone has same issue ?
Is there parameters to avoid this leak of extrusion?

clean nozzle before line

after left line extrusion (we can see right nozzle leaks filament)

after lines, before moving to center

leak filaments are glued on nozzles when bed moves up.

Yes. Sometimes it happens to me aswell. Im always extra carefull and to avoid this i use a knife to prevent screwing the first layers… inalreday thought of creating a ticket to ZP.but so far this has not become criical…

I try to be carefull too, but it means impossible to launch a print if I’m not near Zim to prevent this first layer issue…

Zeepro answer :
" The filament going out of the nozzle is due to gravity, “oozing”.
We are going to modify the nozzle path so that it doesn’t come down into extruded filament.

In the meantime, we recommend you do either a skirt or a brim on a
few levels/millimeters. That way the filament which is stuck to the
nozzle won’t be on the part."

Nice to hear they will modify the path to not drop down on top of the “ooze” pile. I always have to stand next to the Zim when it first starts and pull away the ooze just before it gets smooshed and dragged over to the first layer of print.