Zim customized software/hardware quick guide

I have a shared box folder setup if you want to put it there. I think i can elevate you to allow you to submit once you join as a viewer: https://app.box.com/s/blhlwq4o572f720hhcf7pzvmjeur2q17

Or you can do what insomnia suggests. I would just really like to get the file, or we can set up a google drive share.


@dexx0008 if you email me the profile file, I can give it a permanent URL on technobly.com

< email removed now that the file is up… ocr bots, beat it! >


I’m interessed too. :grin:


I just posted a [message about a GitHub repository] (/new-github-repository-zim-resources-now-available/296) that’s now available if that seems appropriate.

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven’t responded sooner, sudden vacation before things get crazy at work. I sent the file to BDub at his gmail account so he can give it a perm. URL on the forum. I can put it elsewhere as well when i’m off of work today.


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Hey guys, here’s the Simplify3D Zeepro Profile @dexx0008 sent me.

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thanks, added above as well.

@KingMartin, also added your thingiverse files above. thanks!

Hi everyone. I am wondering how to actually connect the Zee to Simplify3D and how to apply the Zee profile mentionied on this thread. I have it connected, but the machine control panel can’t connect to antything.Any help is much appreciated!

Hi Bears,

I assume you want to connect your Zim directly to your laptop/desktop running Simplify 3d through USB from aim to laptop without using raspberry pi/octopi. I haven’t attempted to communicate directly but I can try to do that tonight.

To import the profile, download the file ZeePro_DualExtruder.fff; then I believe it was File --> Import FFF profile

Added LED commands above for those who didn’t know them. updated info/links

Please take some time to look into the articles already present, filled with so much How-to-informations.
But being nice here is the post you are searching for:

So here it goes:

  1. Power Up your Zim.
  2. Plug in USB Cable to Zim and Computer.
  3. Download FTDI Driver: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm9
    • there are two concurring installation insttructions; have a look at the PDF files of the web page
  4. I downloaded the zip-file and extracted the content to a directory
  5. Open System Settings --> Device Manager
  6. choose the unknown device with the yellow exclamation mark
  7. select update driver and choose the extracted FTDI Driver Directory
  8. and now a COM3 should be available via which you can communicate with the Zim (settings speed 250000 baud)
  9. To be safe restart you computer.
    That should be all.

It did not work for me, so in the end I downloaded Arduino: https://www.arduino.cc/en/pmwiki.php?n=Main/Software9
Install all software and drivers.Result was a COM4 via which I could communicate with the Zim (remember 250.000 baud speed)

Hope that works for you

@3DPrintEvangelist I edited your post to reflect the correct link to your post. Discourse software sometimes shows you the link for the post just before the one you really want. When you are writing your post, just look at the preview pane and increment or decrement the trailing number on the URL you are posting and the preview will update with the new post.

Check this GIF out:

Ok, thanks for the help and info.

I use usb to connect Zim with PC by repetior host.When printing ,the hotend temperature quickly trend down after it achieved setting and never back to setting value(But using original zim wifi printing,the temperature was normal).Did i need to update Kp,Ki,Kd parameter to zim board for repetior host connectiion?But it seems not allow me to update by repetior host even i found the parameters.Did someone have same issue?Thanks!!


Are you using the cooling fan? Others have reported that with the cooling fan running the hot end can’t maintain temperature. If your using cooling try setting the fan at no more than 60% and see if that helps.
Also what temperature are you trying to reach and what temperature is it actually running at?

Thanks!! i had tried to no more 40% cooling fan setting and it worked.

hello, i just finally got my zeepro to work with simplify3d:) was wondering if you have a link to this file?

Anybody have a wiring diagram for the ribbon cable to the hot ends Iknow the outer 4 pins on both sides are for the feed servos and have traced the heaters. But would like to trace where the other pins go especially the thermistors

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