Simply cant get a decent print!

So I tried using hairspray, blue tape, and now I’ve settle on using adhesive spray to finally get my first few layers to stay on the plate. Thats after I removed a nozzle after I couldnt both level enough to not affect the layers during print. NOW im having issues with support or slicer settings. Ive messed around with the custom settings but I cant seem to get anything that gives a good print.

  1. Anything that has a sperical overhang in shape typically gets smushed down by the head during print causing terrible quality.
  2. Seems like the printer head moves too fast because for small vertical supports it seems the head moves before it even gets the layer down properly creating a effel tower effect and causing a rats nest after a certain height.
  3. Vertical supports seem too thin to make it past .5in before collapsing from the force all the air from the fan or the vibration and movement of the head. I wish i show you some prints but from apparently new users can upload anything?!!!???

Could use some recommended settings to help prevent this from happen. What are your preferring settings Zeepro?

Those little supports often fall over on me too. Have you tried rafts? How about trying without supports. I find the Zim is pretty good at printing overhangs and spanning bridges with no supports (depending on the model).

I havent tried the without supports I guess I can make that my next test but with the rafts I can never seem to get it right, the model always seems to eventually peel off a few layers.