Show off your prints!

Whatcha printing with your Zim?

Here’s what I’ve made the last couple days:

@jpod’s filament spool holder (with @BDub’s hook piece extension)


Spinner fidget toy. Had some bearings, it’s a simple print job, and these things are all the rage right now, so here it is!


might as well repost my frog from the discord heh heh proud

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new .1 mm froggo

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Try sainsmart copper filled filament the temperature is 195-200 I use simplify 3D its awesome.

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dual color

@canis_gee, would be curious to see your Simplify3D profile settings. I’m still playing with mine and have yet to land on something I’m really happy with.


First dual extrusion print. Turned out pretty decent. I’m pretty happy with this. Hatchbox PLA printed at
200C/30mms/.20 layer with ooze shield in Simplify 3D.

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