Replacement parts

you measure a voltage between the micro-potentiometer and the ground. the orginal setup is 250mV for the regular drivers and 450mV for the extruder drivers :relaxed:

So, when using only the upper Extruder-steppers, It should also be 250mV for E0 and E1?


I would recommend just replacing the heater blocks to use standard nozzles. Someone already designed a replacement heater block that drops right into the ZIM. You just have to order a left and a right. Then new nozzles are only a few dollars a piece off ebay or amazon.

Ahh that makes sense. I knew they were in parallel, just didn’t know they were current limited as well. I’ve been printing a ton since I made this switch without a problem, but I’ll definitely look into this a bit deeper and adjust the current appropriately.

Yes you should. you can push to 300mV if needed

@BDub I posted some info how to do this here in case you’re interested: How to adjust current limit for a single extruder stepper


Somehow I found that post tonight looking for more info on the steppers. Perfect! You beat me to linking it here as well. All done! Thanks :slight_smile:

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I would prefer use the original nozzle design. the actual quote I have is for parts manufactured in france. I am looking to do the same in China. I will also try to make the original Heater Bocks :stuck_out_tongue:
I never had any problem with these nozzles and printed really a lot of parts. I even printed Nylon parts at 265° :stuck_out_tongue: so I will try to keep this nozzle system

I expect there to be a box full of nozzles and heaters somewhere within Zeepro or some chinese manufacturer.
Is there no one in contact with the owner that could possibly point us to this treasure box? :smile:

I also would like to stick with the original nozzle and heater and would only change for a complete redesign of the head with standard extruder parts, a better print part cooling design and an easy nozzle leveling option. But that is not to be ever expected.
For example I have seen a printer where you simply raise the printbed to 0 with a sheet of paper on top, loosen one inbus screw for each extruder, they drop to the surface, tighten screws again and voila perfectly leveled.

las time I was in contact with the team they where out of stock of spare part and they went down. So I doubt about a magic box :wink:

but I am contacting some suppliers in China. wait and see :stuck_out_tongue:

I posted the new price on this post

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I agree that keeping the original heater block and nozzle design is much preferred. Let me know if you start selling these parts!

I am waiting the inner teflon liner to assemble the nozzles. I will notice you when it will be ready

@Cal al
Some parts are available

If you purchase from the site you will have to pay the VAT (As you are located in France). I will be back in France in 2 weeks and we can trade directly as I promissed you the price without freigh nor VAT/Customs :wink:

Fantastic. Thanks.
I will just wait until than.

Where are you locted in France ?
Me Paris

Alsace - Lauterbourg and Strasbourg

I will be back in France the Feb 1st ans will be able to ship you the parts

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I sent you a private message :slight_smile:

all th nozzles are assembled and ready to ship.
a friend hosted the parts on his webshop

@Cal @3DPrintEvangelist you can place your orders. I have 14 nozzles. I will be able to order more after the Chinese New Year. I will also manufacture Heater blocks