Forum shutdown !?


Thanks to anyone who joined this forum and for the shared knowledge to keep our ZIM’s alive.

BUT: how long will it take till this forum will be shut down too? :hushed:

Therefore I would suggest that we should open another forum like the RepRap forum ( ) where we share our problems and improvements in the future.

This seems promising:

Google groups might be an option. I started one here some time ago Zeepro Zim Google Group. I’m not sure it is setup correctly though, no one has tried posting a message yet to my knowledge. Could someone try posting over there to test?

I’ve also sent a PM to BDub. I believe this forum was setup by him, not Zeepro, so maybe there is more life yet to be had here.

Google Groups was my first guess as well.
But its not a forum but more a mailing list/group.

It would be nice to get a reply from BDub to know what is going to happen with this forum.
Hopefully its kept alive and we don’t need to move.

This might sound stupid…But for having community support i thing creating a group on facebook would work fine!

Facebook groups are horrible: it’t not a forum where you can look things up after months and does not have a good search function :confused:

yes…but for posting pictures when you need some on the fly support its good enough!

Absolutely but I really hate all this “short questions” at the RepRap forums as the same question appears 100 times as there is no search function where you can simply look it up. I stopped supporting other people at Facebook as I cannot stand this behaviour. :angry:

Better go for a forum ( it can even be a sub-forum of this one ) where you can attach files (configuration files?) pictures and so on…

Fair enough! I remember this forum was not created by Zeepro. Maybe it will continue live and running. Lets see if Ddub responds…

@BDub is a very active tech developer in many spaces across the web and yes this is his site ( - I would be very surprised indeed if he decided to take this down.

In any case, this forum is (very likely) not sponsored by ZeePro and is maintained independently.


Hey guys! Been so busy at work… what did I miss?? I hate to ask, but what has shut down making you think this forum is next? … (long silence) EDIT: read the forum… oh noes!

To calm your nerves about this forum… I have been maintaining this on my own time, making backups when I do updates. If for whatever reason I could not maintain this forum, I’d gladly provide the backups for whoever wanted to carry on the torch. The forum software Discourse is open source but requires a decent server to run it on. This costs $20/mo on DigitalOcean.

FWIW: FB groups are terrible…

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@BDub There have been a lot of rumors going around about how Zeepro is shutting down because their customer support is unresponsive, store orders aren’t being processed, and “the printer no longer slices” cloud connectivity issues.

I am totally unsure as to whether these concerns are valid - my printer still works fine, though I’m still waiting on my additional filament cartridges to arrive (many weeks late…). People here appear to be worried that this forum will also be killed off.

Thanks for keeping this up and running and financed! DO+Discourse is an awesome combo.

Zeepro going silent is certainly not a rumor. Zeepro effectively abandoned the customer base, and it is clear from linked in profiles zeepro people are off looking for other means of employment. This forum has become the only recourse for owners to keep their printers running. @BDub, please let us know what you need to keep things up and running, be it financial or otherwise.

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