Compiling error SOLVED - JPOD Firmware "using typedef-name 'fpos_t' after 'struct'"

Someone recently reported the same issue with Marlin and this fixed the issue
Tools > Board > Boards Manager… > Arduino AVR Boards(click on it) > select 1.6.11 from the “Select version” menu > Install
After installation completes click the “Close” button

The problem is caused by the new compiler version included with Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.12 and later, it is more picky about the bad code that someone wrote. You will need to avoid upgrading to any Arduino AVR Boards version above 1.6.11 until someone fixes the problem in the Marlin code.


the marlin code was fixed recently,
but if you want to compile the jpod, i jsut find/replace all fpos_t with fpos_t2 or something.

It’s been fixed in my fork as well

Thanks Waffles. I’ll use the replace.