Zeepro is D.E.A.D?

Thank you for your replied, I just finished my conversion and my ZIM is connecting to the Pi through Octoprint.

But right now, my main question is how I load/unload filament. I followed the Joe’s great videos on youtube, but do I need to keep the original cartridge and load from the bottom or just pushing the filament to the head through the tefelon tube that I have to cut somewhere?
By discovering the internal parts of the printer, i don’t really understand why the printer has two motors for the filaments, per head…

In the Octopi tutorial thread you should have read the discussions, that you can choose how to operate the Zim however you like.
You can feed filament from the bottom still using the cartridges (not recommended).
You can feed from the bottom using an alternative filament drive and some spool holder of your choice.
You can feed from the top, using only the top motor, either disconnecting the down motor or leave it running empty, by cutting the PTFE tube and using the alternative spool holder.
The bottom motor is redundant, especially with those useless gear teeth. But with the extreme long PTFE tube and the cartridges and the sharp bends of the tube, the top motor alone is sometimes simply not powerful enough to transport the filament.

@3DPrintEvangelist : thank you for your help, I finally cut the Teflon tube and plugged a filament spool on the back of the pritner, it’s working nicely! :smile:

i know this was a while ago but i was wondering if you still had any contact info for jim or if his eBay store is up?
thanks so much