Any tips on nondestructive 'support Materials'?

Yes, install those FTDI drivers first.
Basically the right ZIm board is nothing more than an Arduino Board with routed pins for the stepper motors - if you have problems connecting you can also have a look at people having issues on Arduino connection at Google.

After installing (maybe rebooting too?) start Repetier Host and find your serial connectrion (I usually have 2 and one of them is the right one) and enter 250.000 baud for the speed: connect (or try the other serial connector) and you’re free to play without any limitations
-> don’t forget to unplug the left electronic board (the ZIMboard with the dual USB ports on top) complety from the right borad: unplug the two cables!!)

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Hey Martin, got things to work for a couple of days now after reinstalling all the USB driver.
Thanks for everything!

Question: it seems to be getting the connection okay with the left board still part of the system.
Is it alright if I dont disconnect the left board? What would be the downside of having it still plugged in?

I first had it running with the board plugged in.
To have the bed leveling feature of Zeepro Software and printing with Repetier over USB.
It did not seem to make any difference, other than using power and having another device showing up on my network.

But I had to change the bed fixation, and now I don’t have to level that often. I don’t level anymore and just make adjustments on the fly during printing of the brim.

But I would recommend to better unplug it, just to be sure that there are no unwanted effects.

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Can you explain why you disconnected on of the boards (and which one?)

I’m trying to duplicate what others have done to use USB and S3D to control the Zim.
In more recent posts others have done this but I’ve not seen others disconnect any boards unless they added Octopi.

As I understood it, just using S3D and USB circumvented the Zim software.
Did you need to disconnect a board to circumvent RFID or SMTH?